
Def is a definition that I've robbed from another application, and stays for the page settings defined at the beginning of the page itself. These defs, or instructions, or templates, or what you like as name, are not needed by default, they can be used when a non standard result is needed.

:> amail:author_email

Thinking to multiuser blogs, it permits to define a different author (probably, using also :> author). As a def, in my thoughts they could be added with an automatic procedure.

:> author:authorname

Set the name of an author for this page. I would use it for multiuser blogs.

:> category:name

The name of the category of the page, like sport or politics

:> date:00000000

Date is automatically inserted at the beginning of the text file (if needed), and doesn't need to be changed. Changing generally doesn't affect anything, but in future could be more used in other procedures: actually, deleting it will make the file reprocessed, without problems. It will be added from application when file is read first time.

:> file:pathtofile

A file name where to get the content and insert into actual file.

:> filename:filename.ext

The file name (as base name, without full path) used to name the file when deployed. Without this part, default product is an html file, with the same name of the file but a different extension. This can be used, for example, to generate an .htaccess or css file.

:> keys:keyword1,keyword2,...

Keywords are used to overwrite automatic default keywords in the page head section.

:> pause:

Presence of this row is the condition for page to be not processed.

:> raw:yes

The only activating word after points is yes. When set, page contents will be not processed.

:> ref:refname

A reference to that file. For example, assigning a value like "foovalue", every page of the site can link it inserting $foovalue

:> tags:tag1[,tag2,tag3..]

Associate some tags to the page. Tags can be more than one, and are lowerized when read: so writing MYTAG is the same than writing MyTag or mytag.

:> tmpl:filebasename

The base name of a file in /site/tmpl, that will be the template for processed file.

:> title:titlename

The title for pages. If it is in a format like "aa title1|bb title2", title of the page is considered title1 for language aa and title2 for language bb.

:> uid:filename-randomwords

An unique id to refer to file, automatically generated, useful to define links with services like Disqus. Changing it will change the referring. It is composed from the basename file name, a minus sign and ten random chars.

:> update:

If set (don't need to check a value, the row is the same condition), text of the pages will be processed every time, not only the first time

:> @var:value

When added to apge defs, it will change the occorrences, like with the templates, of the page. For example. putting the line :> @city:florence and the word ${city} in the page, these will be replaced from the word florence. In case of the presence of more than one double points, value is intended from the first, due variable name can't contains double points. This can be used, making a simple example, with files that are going to be processed with a cascading style sheet as destination, for example to mantain a list of colours coherent for all tags.

Last update: 2022-08-11 02:15